
All the little things about cameraflying...

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Just got the new "little thing" on recent weekend!

How about this: you calibrated the exposure manually several points "-" -- for the very sunny day. The colors is good, even the very bright colors like yellow or white or silver.
But the day is over and you forgot to change exposure setting for the less light weather (it's still in "-" position for sunny day).
So... you've got the black screen with voices instead of the best video of your career.[:/]

I promise myself again -- spend 5 minutes on video gear! Every jump!
Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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Went slightly 'low'
(not seriously....just lower than I planned) on a jump yesterday.....getting 'the shot'
Note to self:
Everyone said it would happen.....and they were right, no matter how safe you think you are its gonna happen......read/get experienced camflyers advice, absorb, learn...live

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1. Having to film the 120 pound Tandem Master with the 40 pound Japanese tourist under a Strong drogue and realizing you left your wings at home...

2. Asking the turbine to land when you're on Jump Run, because you forgot to put film in for a "Celebrity Tandem"

Oh, yeah, we weren't doing still yet. That's a whole different can of worms...

It's never too late for a low turn!

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Fall onto your performent after exit. Touch his (her) boots while he (she) is doing aerials infront of you.

F****d up your own landing, filmimg the landing of your performer.

Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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Here are a few from this year..

still camera mal on climbout videoing a 14way..
video camera on night shot videoing a 16way..
one wing unclipped videoing a tandem..

and the supergrandaddy of them all..

cutaway handle getting pulled by dooredge on climbout or camera wing on transition!
(happened 3 times - twice resulting in cutaways) all 3 on tandem videos..
BTW-- when your main loaded over 1.9:1 is attached by one riser only, it spins pretty good..
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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and the supergrandaddy of them all..

cutaway handle getting pulled by dooredge on climbout or camera wing on transition!
(happened 3 times - twice resulting in cutaways) all 3 on tandem videos..
BTW-- when your main loaded over 1.9:1 is attached by one riser only, it spins pretty good..

One would think you'd revise your procedures and/or equipment to prevent this from happening, at least after the SECOND time. You've got to be kidding. Your camera wing can pull your cutaway handle? Ever hear of velcro?

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Ummm.. yeah... the first time we figured it happened on the ground and the handle got replaced.. a fluke. The second time we figured it was either my wing or the edge of the door on climbout.. The third time, I actually saw my wing wrapped around my handle. Not sure if it was dislodged on climbout allowing the wing to wrap it or not but there it was..

Anyway.. I have ordered soft loops for my cutaway handles and have changed my transitions to keep my wings out and away from my handles.. I am also very careful of the edge of the door on climbout..

And yes.. there is good velcro on my handles.. the wings are not huge.. it has happened on both rigs, and each rig had around 100 jumps at the time.
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Wow... I looked at (presumably) your pic on your site and still can't imagine how that could'a happened so often. Weird. Does your main lift web have two pieces of webbing where the handles attach in between (in a pocket) or are your handles just stuck to the underside of a single (or double) layer of webbing? My first rig was like the latter, and I'd suppose that would make it more snag prone. Do you peel your handles frequently or just when necessary for use? I wonder if this has happened to anyone else...

Good luck to you in the future, in any case.

BTW, your girlfriend is pretty hot. :-)


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Yeah.. it's weird. The equipment is all good. The handle is between 2 pieces of webbing.. I don't peel except as necessary.

And yeah.. Lany is pretty hot.. I'm lucky in that respect.. ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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I've had my camera switch off due to the pilots radio call on exit... Kept happening the whole day until someone offered it as a possibilty. asked pilots to hold off on call for a while and no more problem.
People dont care how much you know until they know how much you care.

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I've had my camera switch off due to the pilots radio call on exit... Kept happening the whole day until someone offered it as a possibilty. asked pilots to hold off on call for a while and no more problem.

What kind of camera do you fly?


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I've had my camera switch off due to the pilots radio call on exit... Kept happening the whole day until someone offered it as a possibilty. asked pilots to hold off on call for a while and no more problem.

What kind of camera do you fly?


yes....very interesting.......weird too
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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aw damn don't even get into EDITING.
of course when your working for the tandmes its a pretty quick edit but when you do the END OF YEAR skydive edit...it takes way too fucking long and everyone thinks they should get a copy b/c they are in it.[:/]

Last year I sold them locally just so I could buy a DVD PLAYER for our DZ. this year I think I am going to keep the $40 profit:D:D
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oh and one more I can add.

at 117* the camera seems to get quite a bit of digital BLOCKING because no matter how equalized the camera temp is to the ambient temp the tape STILL Sticks to the head because ...well its 117 Fucking degrees'

the interview sucked but the skydive came out fine. (it's only 60-ish* at 10,000ft)
she was 69 years old and was thrilled to be able to show her family but I felt like shit all day.
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I've had my camera switch off due to the pilots radio call on exit... Kept happening the whole day until someone offered it as a possibilty. asked pilots to hold off on call for a while and no more problem.

What kind of camera do you fly?


I think he jumps one of the older cameras in the PC range, possibly a 105 or so.

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Wow was a great thread... Here are some of my odd esperiences, not to mention probably 90% of what everyone has already said.

-Weighing 300 lbs out the door and having a tandem SINK on you... that was a first ever this weekend

-Camera getting knocked 90 degrees off center and having to fly sidways to get the shot

-Hitting the record button on exit

-Hanging on the camera step, ready set go, TM faces into the prop and tosses the drouge ASAP. Drouge in face, wasn't what the planned exit was

-Almost getting your head ripped off cause TM didn't give you a waveoff

-Hating a blow switch

-Cam eye flashing a new color?!?!? WTF

-Having to land the plane on jump run because I forgot the chin strap on the ground

-fixing my helmet and supper glueing 3 of my fingers together

-Trying to paint my helmet when it was 10 degrees outside (took me weeks to do it)

-Having a student call and bitch and moan and cry about their video not being as cool as their friends. Reason, because she wasn't arching and they were spinning outta contro lol

-Buying my first camera off ebay for $300 bucks as is, then finding out it had been dropped in a lake

-Buying my 2nd camera on ebay for $600 then finding the same one, 2 weeks later, with more stuff for $400 and buying it for your friend

-Lending your last tape to a friend at the end of the day when you HAVE to have a new one for the next morning...

The list could go on :ph34r:
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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well, this one happened to me this past weekend, when (finally) some paying tandems were here to jump:

if you know the tape is coming to its end, replace it before the jump, so that you don't think constantly about it and look at the cameye the whole 50 seconds, thus screw up the jump

the footage still came out good, but it could be more "perfect" :P

Check out the site of the Fallen Angels FreeflY Organisation:

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