
Tandem handycams i the US...

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Your other option is riggerrob, who according to his profile is on the North American continent. You could PM him for further information.

I highly recommend that. His are nice and a damn sight less expensive. They are quality products....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Just a quick note on Way Cool gloves: The focus is not price but quality, functionality and customer service. These gloves will generally outlast the camera (2000+ jumps) and now come standard with a mount for a specially made CamEye which allows one handed operation and a Neptune mount. They can usually be at your door within a week. This is also worth some consideration along with the price.

Where ever you get it enjoy and be safe!

Stay Cool

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Don't know the american product, but all us in the Australias use Way Cool gloves, and have for years! I can vouch for these gloves, having seen them in use for years at my DZ where I work. My significant half has gone through 3 cameras but still use the same glove (2000 tandem handicams), and it's still going strong!

It's never too late for a low turn!

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