
Anyone Jumping a Pentax AF

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I have an MZ5n Pentax Autofocus camera that I used quite a lot when had a live before skydiving.

Does anyone jump and AF Pentax (I'll not be the using AF ), if so what type of switch are you using. The remote switch I have is not very conducive Freefall.
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Does anyone jump and AF Pentax

No. B| ha ha:P getacanon.

But... that 3 prong connector looks like the same wiring as the E3 canon connectors. Meaning, you can splice into it, combine the shutter and the focus wire and connect it to the shutter wire of a conceptus. Then connect common to common. That will rig up a switch for you, but it doesn't help the fact that it looks like that switch can easily blow off... Nothing a whole bunch of gaffer's tape can't fix I bet though. Try it.

I think I have actually seen someone jumping a Pentax. I didn't notice their switch though. Where there's a will there's a way.


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I jumped a Pentax ZX-10 before I went digi... I used a Conseptus bite switch... Lewmonst outlined what you need to do to make the switch work... as for the connector, I've never has a problem with it blowing off in FF, just use a little gaffer's tape.

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Does anyone jump and AF Pentax

No. B| ha ha:P getacanon.

Used to have 2 Canons (A1 and AE1P), but my eyesight is not what it was and had to go Auto focus, since Canon FD lenses are not compatable at all with AF lenses I went to Pentax. However all this was BS (before Skydiving). Pentax was great for gound work but my not be for Aerial work:S
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