
Sony PC 350 CamEye2

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Have you read the camera FAQ at the top of the forum?
Have you read the camera flying suggestions in the USPA SIM?

60 jumps + a camera is incredibly dangerous. Hell, I had just under 1000 jumps when I put a camera on my head and I was blown away with how distracting it is (and I don't do "real" camera work, I have it on my helmet for fun).

With that said, the Cameye2 uses the Lanc port which the PC 350 has.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Well it helps if you plug it in the right hole! Camera and helmet works great.

Thanks for the help and concern on the low jumps. I actually have quite a few more, my profile just hasn't been updated. Although 150 probably is still a little low from what I'm reading. Thanks again!

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