
am I missing something?

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When I talk to people about video cameras, both on the DZ and on here, I always hear Sony PC-10x cameras mentioned, leading me to believe they're popular and good. I hear the PC-109 mentioned a LOT. Also, looking at lists of "compatible cameras" on helmet manufacturer pages, I see something like this, for example (from 2KC's page):

Q: What cameras can be used with the 2KC Helmets?
FF2 fits PC-6 ,8 , 9, 100, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 110, 120, 330, 350, 1000, HCxx

However, when I search the Sony webpage I can't find a reference to almost any of these cameras. Are they all old models or something? If so, what's a new inexpensive camera good enough for someone looking to do say, tandem video?

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Yes those are all discontinued models. Sony tends to bring out several new models per year - thus something that JUST came out and is the newest thing on the market with only a couple of people at the DZ having one since it's so new... will actually be only 2 weeks away from "obsolescence" according to the Sony website.

Almost those listed in your post are fine. If you buy something other than one of those the likelihood is it's the same shape and size anyway and only has one slightly different feature which justifies a new model and thus more $$ for Sony. It's all marketing. Even if it's not the same size, 2K helmets are built to measure, for both your head and the camera. If you tell them what camera you're buying they'll build it to fit.

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As above many are discontinued, But you will find also that there is normall another refix


A PC 107 is infact a DCR-PC107

I have just looked at the UK website and it is now showing as a previous model, aish.

Anyway just go the Sony site and look for MiniDV camcorders


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Hinton Skydivers

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