
What Camcorder do you Fly??

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i fly a hc40 sony

the hc92 is awesome for side mount top mount i
the hc1000 i think is awesome the pc 350 is awesome and alot of the older cams are still good but with your mad money i say go with a hc92 for the cash

my buddy just spent 600 dollars on that new samsung digital remote cam set up the sports cam it has like digital memory its a mp3 and mpg or something i am not sure but no tapes and he says 30 min of record time. the remot lens has wide angle allready so we will see we will try it this weekend and ill tell you howit works

dont know anything top mounts. one lady uses a hc dvr65 sony i think its nice and long and low for top mount great qaulity

sorry i am not that much help

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I've found that eBay has a pretty steady stream of PC-xxx cameras for less than $500, both new and used. I got a PC9 with a bunch of extras (a century .3, kenko .45, a kenko .5, and a few extra memory sticks) for $425.... Also included was the home made interracial porn that someone forgot to delete from one of the memory sticks :o

Anyhow, I've put about 200 jumps on it and the only problem that I've had is the swivel screen getting a little loose.
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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a 6 months year old baby... my beloved TRV-33... only made some 15 jumps with it, and I really like it... it's a huge improvement to the JVC GR DV-1 that me and my team were using for past 3 years... oh, and i really really got it cheap, cca. 500€

Check out the site of the Fallen Angels FreeflY Organisation:

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PC-330, and there's nothing else I can think of that I'd rather have on my head. B|

What about PC-350 ? B|

Nope, I'd rather have the 330. Works better in low light conditions, has a bigger lens, and no annoying docking stations to work with.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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PC101 since start of last year.
Very reliable and might be some deals out there if you can still find one as they are old models (but the newer ones dont have any better features that make me want them any more).
I got a GREAT deal on Ebay last year when I bought mine.

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I've had quite a few different cameras lately. TRV17 TRV27 PC101 PC105... The best one for the money would have to be the TRV17 mostly because touchscreens suck. I wish Sony would quit making them. I've seen TRV17s go for around $200 on ebay. They're good cameras.

Seriously, I wouldn't spend $1000 on a skydiving video camera. For that kind of money you could get a decent video camera and a nice digital still cam too. But, if your profile is right, you'd probably be better off spending the extra $ on lots more jumps before you do that.

Good luck with it!

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i can't afford to buy those Vcams mentioned here... i bought Sony TRV418 (oooh, heavy but satisfied) cost me $463 brand new, made my own ring sight which only cost me $23... and protec...

wow, those camera you mentioned here are so small... i saw one here in our place, a german skydiver who jumped together with his jump buddies... tried it on the groud... it's so light! and the ring sight has this cross like... i don't know how to describe it... im too ignorant for this. hehhe

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