
Bullet or Lipstick Cameras

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Hey guys,
Been looking about on this and thought I bump it up again. Last posting on this is over a year old so I wanted to get updated info on who jumps them, models and are they any good for the price. Biggest reason for the question is that I am looking to upgrade my rig when I get back home, but am currently deployed and am looking for something with enough quality to cut good video but small enough not to scream,"Shoot at the guy with the thing on his head!"
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Do you mean one of these? http://www.rfconcepts.co.uk/helmet_cameras.htm

If so, which one?

I got pack 4, and put 2.9mm lens on it.

it works well.
the low light performance is MUCH better than my TRV22. Also, I got the sport LANC, this way I don't need a cameye - I just turn the camera on when needed, and connect the bulletcam right before I start using it ( the battery pack stays connected )



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if it's capturing 470,000 pixels compared to normal PC style camera capturing 690,000 that's not at all a bad difference. I take it there are no issues running it at "high resolution" such as a degradation in frame rate or anything?

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