
AAAHHHH! So many choices.

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Okay, check it out. I have found several versions of the Sony "PC" series cameras available. I want to buy one but I don't know which way to go. I just spent the past 3 hours reading reviews and forums and I'm about to go nuts. :S

I don't want to spend more then $700.00. So please leave me your recommendations. Which camera would you use/recommend?

p.s. See my short review of the Samsung SCX105L camera.
Have fun!

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Are you looking for something to jump? If so I'd wait till you get enough jumps to actually jump the camera. I know your DZO up there and they are usually pretty safety aware of when jumpers start jumping camera and won't hesitate to tell under expereinced jumpers they can't jump their camera yet.

In nother 3-4 months Sony will have another series of cameras out that will be smaller and cheaper so its better to save your money if its just a jumping camera till you are able to jump it.
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Yeah I've spoken with them about jumping with the camera and they have no problem with it. I've already jumped with a PC camera before and recently i jumped with the Samsung SCX105L camera. Not very good.

As far as the new Sony's, are you referring to the PC-55's? http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/SY_DisplayProductInformation-Start?ProductSKU=DCRPC55%2fR&Dept=cameras&CategoryName=dcc_DICamcorders_MiniDVHandycamCamcorders

If so i'm a bit skeptical about them.

Have fun!

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