
Where to mount a bulletcam?

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I`ve got my bulletcam delivered.
I`d like to mount it to my Z1.
What position do you recommend to mount it?
If I mount it to the center, under my chin it exceeds 5 cms, or should I take the side?

The plan is using a metalic frame and epoxi or liquid plastic + glass fiber.

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im really green with skydiving so i dont know what a Z1 is... but in motorcycles when the bulletcams are used they are mounted on the side of the helmet(full face) just below the visor using the supplied adhesive mounting strip and flat mount to hold the bullet cam. I know this may have been no help, but i tried. B| Also the bullet cams i have seen come with a couple of different mounting brackets. one would allow u to mount it on the top of a helmet. If it didnt help, sorry. ;)

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I'm looking at a bulletcam for some time in the future. I plan on putting it on my foot. Maybe down by my balls once or twice too... then on my arm sometimes perhaps... or pointing backwards... Hell whats the point in having a bulletcam if you only stick it on your head?

OTOH... maybe on the side of your Z1 allong the jaw line so it doesn't interfere with the visor.... or you could always mount it on top and only crack the visor under canopy if that doesn't bother you... but personally that would be a bit of a pain.

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here you see my setup, I have integrated it into the front of the FTP (the little black circle on the left).
By the way, this is a photo from alst year, today I have two bullet-cams, one on the left and one on the right, with different angles and a switch on the back of the helmet to switch during air-timeB|

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My friend and some of the guys at our dropzone mounted their bullet cam on the side of their helmet with velcro holds great and lets them reposition the camera on the fly, the velcro was rated for 200mph and I have yet to see it come loose in free fall. They have also re wired the camera to the cameye so the cam eye can be placed in the helmet with only one wire coming from the helmet. They both got the case from helmetcam to protect the camera. The only down side to the z-1 is the vizor can come into view in the up position. I am mounting mine to a open face to fix that problem.

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What a waste of camera space (bullet cam on a FTP.)

Seriously, why do't you mount it on a smaller helmet, like a pimp daddy or EVO? Just curious.:S

i know, but better waste space then waste money:P: I had the FTP already since I used to jump with a normal setup, but after I hurt my neck, that was not possible anymore, and I did not want to buy a new helmet rightaway..
And, I can mount a still camera on top.

Furthermore, it gives you funny reactions in the plane: "hey, you forgot your camera!" , or (whispering from the back) "does she know she forgot her camera??? " B|

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where did you buy your camera? I would ask for a refund: that vignetting (black on the edges) should not occur, or do you use a very wide angle?
When I received my first camera from rfconcepts, it showed vignetting, and I could return it and it was replaced without discussion.

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In the photos you can see the setup for my bullet camera.
It is mounted 45° on top left because exactly on top of my FD I have a "permanent" light very useful for my night action.
What cannot be seen because covered by duct tape is a fiberglass cradle I made myself with a built in alignment.
Note: my FD has got no moving parts, so it is OK to mount bullet camera everywhere on it; with a Z1, having the visor that is liftable, you could mount your bullet still everywhere, but you cannot open up your visor, unless you invent some smart trick to place it...
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