
Output from Premiere to DVD?

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Hi all, hope someone can help me

A copy of Premiere 7.0 Standard (not Pro) came with my new VAIO laptop. I am just experimenting with it. Have dumped a load of footage of a 4-way training camp into it, and have edited out all the unwanted stuff. Now want to burn the result onto a DVD.

The online pdf manual says I should go File/Export/Export to DVD - but when I try I am not offered that option, only export to tape, export to various video formats, etc.

The laptop does have a DVD burner on board. Is it because I have Standard not Pro that I'm not offered the option? The manual specifies elsewhere whenever an option is Pro-specific, and it doesn't here.

Anyone else used Premiere Standad to output to DVD? Any idea what the issue is here? All suggestions gratefully recieved.

Jon T

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I went through he same pain. I am not at Weston this weekend but will be there next weekend and we can talk about it then although I am sure you will get better advice through here. I hook up an external DVD burner to my laptop and it is fine albeit very slow to render and burn (using Nero).

Use your wings Johnny....

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I do believe that it is the version of Premire that you have. One of Adobe's sneaky ways of forcing you to upgrade.

You can export to tape and use a standalone DVD recorder or export to a DV AVI file and then use something else to record the DVD.

Or find a copy of Premire Pro...
illegible usually

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in my experience with NLEs with an internal DVD burner you have to convert the video to MPEG-2 either with the edit software or export to one such as Sorensen Squeeze. then once the coversion is complete open up DVD authoring software such as Nero, or DVD-it, etc... create the DVD layout & then burn it to disc.
correct me if i'm wrong... you should be able to "export to tape" with a camera, VTR, or external "stand alone" DVD recorder. check out the other thread on DVD burning in this forum.

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