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had to shoot while there was *some* snow, otherwise I'd have to Pshop it in. Gotta get those greeting cards to the printer.
I'll show you the shot we used when I see you in NYC.
Here's the 3 minute Pshop so you get more snow

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Man! those pictures are GREAT! And they make me miss home even more. Thanks for sharing those!
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Three years ago Billy Weber was @ the Richmond Boogie and hanging out in the loft admiring the old shit collection we have and he looked at me a said, "you know I still got my dads old SST (struggle, struggle, thump) down home in the storage shed and, well if you guy's want it I'll ship it up here for you".

So the next year (the year he found out he couldn't jump anymore) he sent the rig to me for rehabing. I spent some time fixing it up, mostly a wash and new rubber bands and other minor stuff and then put it back together and got it ready to jump.

The rig sat for a year and I was wanting to test jump it, but just never got around to it, over the year I had put on more weight then I care for landing a MK-1 with, and I had been bugging my "test jumper" Ray to do it, now they don't call these rig's "struggle, struggle, thump" for nothing and Ray was not real hip on the idea of being the first person since 1974 to jump this damn thing.

Well the rig sat till the day Mom stewart died, 8-11-07. I had already been teasing Ray that morning about not being a pussy and just jump it.

Then we got the news about Mom, and the day went to hell & then went on, we were packed with Students so the staff stepped up took over and ran the show.

At the end of the day on the last load I had the only solo slot left, only me and ray hadn't got to jump yet for the day, Ray was like damn I wanted to jump. So I told him I'll give you my slot, BUT you got to test jump the Billy Weber SST rig.

Well he went and got it, looked at me and said " If I get killed today, Jamie (dzo) is going to kill me", I replied, If you get killed today, she'll kill me first and then kill you for letting me talk you into this!

He got in the 182 and took off and I took these series of images from the ground. This would be Ray's 4 or 5th PC jump.
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Or again, heaven forbid I get Photoshop.

Just a thought (and you may well disagree) but if you are buying a 40D, then you SHOULD get some form of image editing software. (elements is more than adequate) Without it, its basically like Buying a sports car, and never going faster than 10mph.

Never try to eat more than you can lift

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Yeah, I have similar thoughts. I've just not done much with photos up until now other than pics of my kids and families. Not much touch up needed there, typically. The 40D budget undoubtedly has photoshop built into it.

And I'd take any sports car at least up to 20mph, btw...

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Yeah, I have similar thoughts. I've just not done much with photos up until now other than pics of my kids and families. Not much touch up needed there, typically. The 40D budget undoubtedly has photoshop built into it.

And I'd take any sports car at least up to 20mph, btw...

If you're gonna shoot anything in RAW you'll need some software but, I belive Canon includes software with the camera. Nikon sells it to ya for an extra $100 :S


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