
Woomera container

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Are you sure you want to buy a rig that you have to post a search for pictures of? does the manufacturer not have a website? where did it come from? will you be able to find a rigger who can pack the reserve?does anyone you know have experience with them?what are it's operating limits?
I'm not saying it's bad gear, maybe I've just never heard of it. I would still do some heavy investigating.....
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It was a "local" product in Australia that is why people outside would not have heard about it. I think (not sure) it was a rig with ripcord and spring loaded PC. I would recommed to talk to an experienced Australian rigger or instructor.
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Hi Masher,

From what i remember the woomera has a throwout reserve and is restricted to APF "E" license holders , i saw some advertised when i was looking for my first rig and the throwout reserve option scared the crap outta me! :| as well being way outta my experience level.

I havent seen a photo for a while though.....

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Ive got a Woomera (1998). Its a good rig for the price you pay but it doesnt look as flash as a Mirage or Jav. Mine has velcro riser covers, no bridle cover but good solid main and reserve pin flaps. It doesnt have any hip or chest rings either so it probably wont be as comfy as a more expensive rig. Ive had it for a year now and havent had any big problems with it so far...

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There are basically two versions of Woomera. The early ones started with Racer patterns, but had a throw-out reserve pilotchute. They wokled well for years and from what I understand, only one senior jumper went in with a Woomera problem.
The last time I spoke with Barry what's-his-name was in 1997. Barry explained that he had introduced a new version of the Woomera with a "Vector style" reserve container.
Woomeras are decent gear if you can pick them up cheap. Just remember that it is "regional" gear (like Sidewinders in Canada) and will be difficult to sell outside of Australia.

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Yes the old Woomera hey.

I have done about 20 CRW jumps using them.

The reserve pud is attached to the bottom of the reserve pilot chute like a pull out, there is approx 3 feet of bridle and attached is a curved pin. I remember that the reserve pin was infact a straight pin that had been bent.

The Aussie crew guys loved them because the main tray was designed similar to the racer in that it completly opened up and had velcro on the sides to keep it closed.

A friend of mine Roy was doing a demo jump into a football stadium and his flag unfurled in freefall.
He deployed his main which entangled with the flag.
In a headown down attitude due to the main/flag entanglment he was able to strategically place his reserve pilot shute (Woomera) away from the trailing mess. In his words he said he suddenly found a hole and pitch his pilotchute into it.
He had his reserve out at 600 but due to the stadium parralax error his wife who was doing ground crew thought he had gone in.

Well enough of the stories.
Make sure your Woomera 2 has had the main riser cover mods done. The reason for a modification is that the main riser cover tuck flaps have been known to have stuck closed on deployment.
Talk to Barry Lewis if you have any questions.

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