
Camera question

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ok...i left my camera at the DZ...so i cant really look at it to figure this out....but i was wondering if anyone knew right off hand.

I have a TRV-22 and i was wondering if there was a way to change the auto brightness on it.......like if im in the plane interviewing a passenger...and there is a window right by then...it picks up the light from the window and the passenger is all dark....is there a way to fix the auto lighting??
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From the Owner's Manual (pg 33)....there is a 'back-light' button on the left hand side of the TRV22...right above the LCD screen. You don't even have to go into the 'menu' to do this. It's a real -honest-to-god-button that they left in place for you to play with.



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I have a TRV-22 and i was wondering if there was a way to change the auto brightness on it.......like if im in the plane interviewing a passenger...and there is a window right by then...it picks up the light from the window and the passenger is all dark....

There should be a 'backlighting' button on your camera.
Probably a symbol that looks like a small sun in a square..or just the word 'backlighting'

This chances the camera to pick up the dark area's in your shot.
It works quite nice when filming tandems in 'muddy' weather.
But if the sun suddenly appears (like exiting above the clouds) it can turn the well-lit shots into brightly overlit ones..

So try and see where you have backlighting or not...
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