
Man this guy has some skill at reverse video

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THAT was supposed to be his motion graphics reel?!?


No wonder I can't get a gig. Whew. Obviously I thought motion graphics had to do with...uh...graphics...being in...uh...motion.

NOW I find out all you have to do is set up some freekin' rocks like dominoes and knock 'em over then play the shit backwards and THAT qualifies?!?

I swear shit like that makes me just want to give up because I KNOW that jerk already has the job I just applied for.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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well thats only b/c youre a skydiver. you have a skewed vision of entertainment.

the masses who never leave their living room/den think that stuff is out of this world. kind of sad, but true.

i thought the IDEA of the video was pretty cool but it is in no way shape or form award winning
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At this point? Very.

I used to get crappy reels from kids in college all the time with material like that on them and think to myself, "What the hell am I going to do with that?"

If you want to see some nice motion graphics stuff, look at the Bravo and Comedy Central promos and bumpers. THAT'S motion graphics.

Just discovering and playing something in reverse is what kids in high-school first year film making ought to be doing, but certainly it's not something you should be showing off as your professional motion graphics reel.

Unfortuantely, a lot of people put crap stuff like this on their reels and some post-production managers (that were never editors themselves) think it's "cool" or "edgy".
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Quade you know your shit when it comes to filming/editing/graphics....thats without question.
But I thought that reel was 'cool' ...
Not just because of the reverse play....
The concept....kinda a shaolin 'in the mind' kung foo thing....the props (rocks arrangement)...music and choreography is actually....damn good !
Sure getting the effect with a simple editing technique is 'easy'.....the choreography to make it look good took some thinking and a deal of practice I imagine....and aint taht what good movie making is all about...?
In this age of digital wizardry....its very nice to see a simple concept done WELL
Bravo to the dude who did this....its well made and groovy....
rock on! ( if you will excuse the pun ;))

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You are of course absolutely right.

That said, sometimes it's the simplest things that get the greatest credit.

I remember a few years ago the National Art Gallery of Canada spent 3 million or so aquiring a painting. Given the price, you'd think the painting was done by a famous impresionist, or was amazingly complex. You'd be wrong. The painting was 50 feet high, and consisted of a single red stripe down the center of a white canvas.

It was minimalist almost to the absurd, and it became a bit of a controversy when the public found out how much they paid for it.

The point here is simple: something does not have to be technically dificult or complicated to be "good". Sometimes it's the simplest of things that have stunning beauty.

However, this short is not stunningly beautiful. While watching it I was constantly distracted by how he failed to separate himself between actor and videographer. Many of the shots ended with him clearly walking towards the camera and shutting it off, right before the transition. For me, that simple lack of foresight completely ruined it.

I'm curious as to what ruined it for those with a more critical eye than mine.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I thought this was kick ass, simple and yes somthing that looks pretty easy to do, Sombody that makes there living form video work might not be impressed, As a photographer I have made money from my art, every photo contest I have ever entered I have either won or placed in the top third in every class, then one year a nobody took a shot of the crowning of miss kansas, looked like a pretty easy shot to me and I didnt give it a second look, the bastard beat me out of best of show, The photo I entered I risk my life to get, It was lightining striking a grain elevator during a sunset storm, one I have made alot of money from, I was pissed and told the judge this, but after three years of thinking about this I have learned even the simplest shots may bring out somthing in the veiwers eyes , and to me this is all that counts.
some of the best shots I got I use skills I learned in the beginning of taking photos.

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But I thought that reel was 'cool' ...

Ok, but that's not really what I'm complaining about.

It was the top of the page where it said, "Motion Graphics", which, clearly this is not and -that- is what set me off.

As for the basic concept . . . perhaps . . . but I'm not even impressed by that because it's completely unmotivated. It's just stacking rocks and knocking them down.

If the director had taken the concept a bit further and thought about it he could have come up with something truly impressive by telling me -why- the character was doing this.

When David Lynch made use of footage played in reverse during the series "Twin Peaks" it was to portray dream sequences and the choreography of -that- was amazing and actually made sense.

This, on the other hand, seemed to have shown the progression of a guy that just liked to play with blocks as a kid then equally liked to knock them over.

Bah, I could go on and on about this piece, but I gotta go wash my mind out with soap.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Many of the shots ended with him clearly walking towards the camera and shutting it off

Or turning the camera on and walking (backwards) towards the subject piece ;)
(fucks wit'ya head a bit dont it !)

Quade.....hear ya...
But In all the talk about its just rocks.....anyone actually think there is some beauty in the aesthetics of the rock formations before they were tumbled...
Or the surface of the ice in the first set changing from disturbed to glassy....
Or the choreography of the non 'rock knocking down scenes/parts'

Looking beyond the 'theme'of reverse filiming.......a good amount of thought has gone into this ....and that alone is worth congratulating...
Lets agree to disagree...and I'll leave it there Quade....that film I think is cool....but not as technically challanging /visually stunning as your showreel....but very good in its own right...
As I said earlier.....a simple concept...done well

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"Balancing Point has been temporarily removed. In the last two days over 500gb of this movie has been downloaded. My service web provider is not so happy...SORRY. Should have it back up soon!"

Way to go, guys....:S :P >:(

Zoter , I actually liked the developing 'sensei-style' of theme, too.


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I liked the concept FOR A SHOT OR TWO. It's way too long without some sort of storyline to sustain interest, no matter how cool the shots are or how good the music is.

Most of the shots *individually* were good--could be made more interesting though.

AM: I think you're wrong about many of the shots ending with him 'clearly walking towards the camera and shutting it off, right before the transition'
My impression was that that was a 2 person effort, one in front and one behind the camera--but I see your point.

As far as the motion graphics thing goes, after looking through the website, I really don't think that that video was supposed to be showing off their motion graphics skills...I think it was just putting something cool to watch on their *new* website. 500GB--I guess it worked. $0.02


PS: I may be partially biased because the whole thing seemed to be filmed in the Colorado Rockies, and these guys are obviously from Boulder where I live. (never met them though).

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In this age of digital wizardry....its very nice to see a simple concept done WELL
Bravo to the dude who did this....its well made and groovy....


That cat really had to plan and choreograph that whole segment. Watch it again and imagine yourself doing just what he did...better yet take crack at it:P

Props to the director of that one
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