
Samsung's New Toy...

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Does anyone have any experience with the Samsung X105L Sports Camcorder? I am looking for a lighter solution (yes - my neck hurts with the pc105) and I looked at one of these this weekend. The form factor sure seems right but I am concerned that the MPEG4 compression and framerate may not be sufficient for skydiving.

Here's the thing - I am generally a freeflyer/fun jumper and I film the occasional tandem or so. I'm not looking to shoot HDTV. However, I do prefer decent resolution. Has anyone used this device and then digitally edited their video? If so, how did it come out?

Blue skies and light winds for all!!


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Search on here is your friend, many threads on it. Basically for sellable footage its complete junk, no more tandem videos. If you don't mind somewhat jerky motion in highspeed motions (like panning with a swooper) and blockyness somewhat then it works. Also its only got like a 30 minute memory card so you need to buy a few more at $50-100 each. Also will need a memory card reader to dump it to the computer or will need to save it to VHS every time you fill a card.
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Another option to consider would be to look into a bullet camera on your head plugged into your existing PC105 worn on your waist.

You may find you are able to buy a bullet camera which provides little perceptible loss of quality over the camera alone and it would obviously put much less strain on your neck.

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(Still - it'd be fun to strap to my dog and see the world from his perspective.)

Perhaps this would be a good tool for parents too. Strap it to their kids and then have the parents see what they -really- come across like.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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