
PAL for Worlds?

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So, my freefly team won the Canadian Nationals which means we're off to Germany next year. Looking at the rules on the FAI website, I need a camera "capeable of providing a PAL digital signal by means of firewire."

Does anybody with international competition experience know if that means I must actually have a PAL camera, or is there somehow I can get away with my NTSC pc109?

No speculation please...just people who know for sure.


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In my experience, at the world air games in Spain, it had to be a PAL camera. I don't know if there are any cameras out there now that will export in either.

One of the members of the team purchased two PAL cameras and later sold them via Ebay or something....
good luck!

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Congrat's on the win. Good to see you're getting ahead of the curve by being on top of the rules early. You will need a PAL camera. Good luck at "The Show".


Brother Wayward's rule of the day...
"Never ever ever go skydiving without going parachuting immediately afterwards."

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PAL. Your NTSC camera might be able to export by firewire to a PAL camera, but the footage would still be NTSC.

Most of our equipment here can now handle both PAL and NTSC, but not all of it. So, for things like World Games, World Championships and World Team you'll still need PAL.

Although if anyone from World Team with a NTSC camera has nice inside camera footage or ground stuff or whatever, give it to the camera team anyway; on a computer I'm getting the hang of converting :)

ciel bleu,

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It's possible to PAL the footage using Premiere, but it's a hassle. Too time consuming for a competition.

Next time I have a gig in "PALville" I'll have a PAL camera.

I'm have heard there's a hack for most of the ntsc cameras, but I don't know how to do it.


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I have a PC109.......PAL
UPS to UK will be cheaper than buying a new cam....
I'll be happy to swap it for your NTSC for the time you hit Germany....no drama

I'm sure others would be happy to offer the same as wel....if you ask them

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