
Camera setup for picture like this.

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What camera/lens one should use to be able make picture like this.
Also what triggers the camera shot?
Print should be quite big, couple feet.


I'd go with a foot bracket (there's several manufacturers making those) and a 15mm fisheye on a film body, or maybe a 10mm or so on a digital body...

To trigger the camera, there's lots of options how to wire the remote, through your clothes or something.

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A friend of mine made a realy nice one by fixing a quick-release with a home-made bracket onto a specialy bought pair of shoes (so he can click the camera off before landing, and prevent what you see happening to Loics camera in his last wingsuit flight at skydivingmovies.com...merde! hehe :S)

He uses a remote on a cable to operate his photocam or special cam-eye for video.



You could try giving him a call or mail, and ask for some pictures of the setup, or maybe even see if he could make one for you?
PM me for his mail-addy
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