
Still camera only- where to mount it??

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Hi from sunny Austria,
sorry for one more stupid beginners question, I couldn't find it in this forum, but if you have talked about this already, just ignore me... :)
I'd like to begin flying camera as soon as I reach the recommended 200 jumps (and people think I am safe enough), which should hopefully be pretty soon....

I would like to use a still-camera only, no video is planned for the near future. Would you recommend mounting the still camera on top of the helmet? Or at a front mount? Which one is safer/ easier to fly for a beginner? Also, I will probably want to use fill-flash, right? Where would that go? On the side mount? On top if you use a front mount?

(Btw, the helmets I have been thinking about are either a Bonehead Optik or a Heller Helmet

Thanks and BS, Martin

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I'd highly recommend the Optik for this. The Heller helmets you linked to look more like helmets in the Flat Top Pro range.. which are way above and beyond what you'd need if you're just doing stills.

The problem is though.. that down the line, you probably want to add video anyways.. cause people like to see video of their jumps...

It's up to you.. if you got the money, you could get a Heller anyways, but if you're going to spend that much.. get a Flat Top Pro :P
There is no better stock camera helmet available on the market today... (in my humble opinion of course)

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I know that you have experience in the field what is your impression of the RAWA? I have about 30 jumps on one, and the only complaint I have is that it is set up for FF, and I need to move it up a bit for RW

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I know that you have experience in the field what is your impression of the RAWA? I have about 30 jumps on one, and the only complaint I have is that it is set up for FF, and I need to move it up a bit for RW

There is no angle up needed for RW, you just fly a different body position.
The Flat Top Pro is completely flat on top, and is not angled up either (even though a lot of people think it is) and that's how you would want your setup.

The RAWA is a very nice camera helmet, no changes are needed for the different disciplines.


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