
NTSC vs PAL with DVD

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I am giving advice to new camera flyers and need some advice myself.

Does a PAL camera matter anymore with regards to NTSC and PAL? If burned to DVD is the format problem still a problem? (with VHS you cant watch a PAL video on a NTSC VCR)

These guys want to buy cameras and I dont know if buying a PAL camera has any problems these days.


C-3085 CSPA

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Yes it matters.

For FAI competitions, you need a PAL camera, period.

If you live in Europe, usually you can play back NTSC footage because most VCR's and DVD players here can record and show both. In the States, no such luck, you still need NTSC.

If you make a dvd, it will play on all computers regardless of the format but will still have issues with some standalone (mostly USA) dvd players.

Editing a movie that has both formats in it on a computer has it's own problems but can be done (at a cost to quality).

For linear editing systems though, most of the hardware is either PAL or NTSC and does not take anything else.

ciel bleu,

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Depending on what the purpoise is, if you are working completely in one standard (from filming to editing to burning) then the final product (A DVD) wil play on most players nowadays..

I think most stand-alone DVD players have no problem playing both NTSC and PAL dvd's (at least in Europe..dunno about them crazy US peopleB|)

But if it's commercial work or competition etc. in your own country you're looking for, then you're bound to run into trouble.
And the whole converting hell is something you're not waiting for...

So in short...just buy or borrow a camera in the standard in which you are supposed to deliver the end result, and you save yourself from a world of pain :P
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US people deafenly has problems as it comes to PAL,however most Euprope people have no problems seeing NTSC...

so if theyre located in US,buy a NTSC cam for sure.. if not they need to edit the video before watching it at any media in US(they cant plug the cam to a tv and see the video).

If they know for sure that they DONT want to see fottege on tv from their camcorders(werry unlikely)they can go ahead and buy a PAL cam,then edit the video on to a DVD..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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