
Rebel Error 02

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Well isn't this nice. Dump all my pics off my card onto my computer, and put the card back in the camera. Displays the EOS on the screen and holds for about 15-20 seconds. Then flashes the Error 02 code. I take out the CFC and the camera works great. Put it back in and Error 02 again. I formatted the card with my computer, no dice. Dammit, what's goin on here?

Anyone have this problem before?


Controlled and Deliberate.....

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DESCRIPTION: This error occurs when image data cannot be written to the CF card. This error can occur when the CF card is not fully seated in the camera or if the D60 does not detect a card-ready signal within a specified time limit or when the CF card is not usable because it has been corrupted or physically damaged. It can also occur when the camera's battery level is insufficient to completely write the file to the CF card.

REMEDIAL MEASURE: Use the DC Coupler or recharge the battery first. If the error continues to occur with sufficient power available to the camera, check that the CF card is properly inserted. If that's not the problem, then try replacing the CF card. If that does not solve the problem, have the EOS D60 and one of the CF cards that is causing the problem examined by a qualified service technician. This error is similar to Error 22 on the D30.

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