
Editing the year end video

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So I work at a very small DZ, who has a strong family feel to it.

Anyhoos, our video guy had to take off early this year and didn't get to our year end video.

So being the nice person I am I said I would put one together. I have MSN movie maker, and I'm going through lots of little video cassett tapes and grabbing clips and putting them on my computer.

The only thing I'm stumped on is how to put it together.

I need an outline of sorts. What should I put first.. last.. etc etc etc?

Any suggestions would be most helpful!

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you really have to find a way to bring the mood out in the video.
sure a quick clip won't do that as well as a 30 minute movieso you have to figure out how much footage is REALLY needed to portray life at the dz.

if its only skydive footage you want than its pretty simple.

if you have some events you want to highlight than you need to choose some scenes that will keep the viewers attention. remember we all have ADD LOL

I try to put some fottage of ALL the jumpers in the video since it is primarily a DZ video, some others will watch it and in the general sense they will enjoy it but there are some scenes that are more funny than initial response, if you know the story behind it.

one thing-- NO ONE likes to watch 50 versions of exit shots I.E. one group after the other setting up ion the door then counting then exiting. just gett o the jump, unless the exit was funny or weird or speacil etc. you also do not HAVE to play every jump completely from exit to opening. if theres enough footage, just grab the highlights and don't go crazy with the effects
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first off, jtval has a point...be sure to include everyone that you have footage of! at least once. student or experienced jumper, everyone likes to see themselves on video and feel like a part of the video. if you have no footage of them, well, at least you have a good excuse when they ask why they weren't in the video.

as far as outline...figure out how much footage you have to work with. you gotta choose if you want to pick the soundtrack first and then edit video accordingly, or if you have certain video that you want to force the audio upon. that's your call. pick the mood.

next up...keep it entertaining. repetitious exit shots, deployments, or segments of nothing but empty sky are boring. if your DZ is anything like mine, people drink a lot and have short attention spans. a 20 minute video full of "good stuff" is better than a 60 minute video of "blah" shots. be careful not to use too much tandem footage in a video intended for fun jumpers.

save the good jump sequences for the movie. if you have anything that you might consider to be "special features", "deleted scenes", or other interesting bits with unique audio, keep them for the b-reel. this is a lot easier and better than trying to draw attention when those certain parts of the video are about to come up.

i don't know much about MSN movie maker, but regardless...read up about it on the Internet! find out what it can do. however, transitions are cheezy as hell. keep these to a minimum.

good luck,

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