
advice on buying first videocam

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I'm interested in starting to fly a camera. But I'm pretty low tech and my eyes just glaze over when I come to this section and try to make sense of all the information, especially in light of the choices available to me through Circuit City, where I'd like to make my purchase (got a gift card that's been burning a hole in my pocket).

I have only found one thread here pertaining to the models that seem to be available to me at Circuit City. They list the following: TRVs 138, 280, 338 and 480 & HCs 21, 32 and 42 & DVD 92 and 101 (the rest are kinda out of my price range for now). The only one of those that I have found any info on here is HC42.

I just want a good choice to begin with which might hold my interest for a little while. I also want something that I can take digital still shots with on the ground as well.

Finally, for just starting out, I am leaning towards using a lipstick cam at first so that I don't have to mount the thing on my helmet for now. I do realize that in doing so I will be compromising quality some. But I am on the low end of recommended number of jumps (about 250) for flying a camera on my head.

So, given all of that info, wondering whether anyone can you make any suggestions, shed any light, or give me any sort of feedback at all?

Appreciate whatever thoughts anyone might have.

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Hey Mate,

I'm a Sony all the way guy as far as videocameras go.

I jump the sony PC models which are just about discontinued but can be found on ebay.

The new Sony HC models seem to be the go at the moment, decent price, good qulity and small enough to side mount on your helmet. The HC42 would be a good choice.

I would stay away from all DVD videocameras they are not ready for the skydiving world yet. MiniDV is what you want.

As far as the lipstick cam why bother, far less complecated with just the camera on your helmet. If your not ready to mount the camera to your helmet your not ready for a lipstick cam/camera at all !!!

I would also recommend a Bonehead Dbox and cameye to get you started.

Talk to some of the camera guys at your DZ about mounting all your new toyz and training on deployment techniques and go from their.

As far as cameras, Canon is the way to go. Check out their web site and see what you think.

Good Luck

two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.

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Like Dale said, buy a discontinued Sony model and save major $$$$$$. I jump a Sony PC-105 which I bought new. Since then I have bought 2 more off eBay for under $500, both new with full warranty. Great camera, easy to use, easy on the pocketbook.


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I appreciate your reply Doc. Do you know anything about the ones I listed which Circuit City carries (TRVs 138, 280, 338 and 480 & HCs 21, 32 and 42 & DVD 92 and 101)? They don't seem to offer the PC-105. It's not absolutely necessary I make my purchase there but it would sure be nice.
Also, in the event that I do just look at the PC-105 somewhere else, does it also allow you to take stills?

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go on ebay you can find some cheap used pc9's great camera for videoing. I just bought another pc-9 on there for $199 i believe they are selling brand new ones or never been used for $350. I will try and find their website or you can just do a search. Hope this helps:)

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I appreciate your, and everyone's, taking the time to share thoughts with me. I just bought an HC42 as I found a pretty good price for one and it seemed to be a model that kept coming up.
I'll probably be back here soon seeking further advice on mounting v. lipstick cam and numerous other matters that I am sure will be mystifying me next. Thanks

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