
VHS to computer?

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Can I hook a VHS player directly to my PC and convert it to digital footage so I can edit it? A friend of ours is gathering and bringing us alot of footage from her high school taped by variuos people and they all want sort of a year end video for them. I see an opportunity here $$$$$$$$$$$$$B|

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You will need a capture card of some type. I've got a Dazzle card that captures off RCA jacks form any external source. Quality is shot compared to the orignal DV quality I'm used to editing with now but it gives you video when normally you would not have anything.
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That is how I have been doing it. I was just looking for a more convienent way.


Yoiu don't actually need to copy it to DV tape. You can just hook up the firewire, and the VHS deck and use the camera as a pass through. Still a bit of a PITA but saves you a tape.
illegible usually

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Interesting I remember trying this and couldn't get the video through.
In what mode are you doing this: VCR?
If I remember when plugin in the Firewire it owerwrite the input from the VHS on the Video input and you get a blue screen.
Plus how do you capture on the computer, most of the tool I'm using need to control the tape to start the capture.


Renaud SMA #9
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I use a Pinnacle DV-500 card. It can capture digital via firewire but also analog inputs (like VCR's). Bought mine on eBay for $100 and have used it nearly 3 years with no problem.

But it also works equally well to capture analog video from your VCR to your Sony miniDV to your computer (just pass the signal thru your camcorder....no need to record and play back).

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