
Congrats little bro on the 'Skydiving' Cover shot!!

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Congrats to my little brother, Keith MacBeth! He took this month's cover shot of the CRW World Record 85 way!

It's also on a few other magazines around the world!

Nice Job Keith!!

Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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When the parachutist arrived with the photo taken from behind that formation, i absolutely noticed the 'extra' canopies, one at the bottom and the one at the top,,, peeking out from behind the top 4 way diamond....:)

I thought... man I'd love to see the shot THAT person might have gotten...( figuring it was a camera person)

Then sure enough.. 3 days later, the postman delivered my issue of SKYDIVING with your brothers' fine work on the front page.....!!!!Showing exactly that photo..:oB|;)
Well done....

As I looked again at the parachutist photo, it seems that I am looking at the tail of Keith's canopy.
So.. my question is... did he have his canopy installed on the 3 rings, so that he faced backwards.... or did he crank himself around 180 degrees ?? in order to square up to the formation and then fire the shutter...?.....Or was he facing forward and then did he 180 his canopy to be facing head on with the canopy formation????

...oh... my hat is off to the leg strength each of those participants must have shown during these attempts..... some of them really looked like a wishbone,, about to be broken B|[:/]:S:)

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First, a HUGE congratulations on the new 85-way record you guys achieved! The pictures are awesome! As a cameraflyer (who's done just a tad of CRW cameraflying) I tip my hat to those accomplished flyers! It isn't easy!

Also, I got to listen to your skydiveradio interview this morning. Nice work! It was very interesting to listen to you describe how a formation like this works. 90 lbs of lead on Chris Gay to pilot the formation?!!

I got a chuckle, however, when you relayed the story of a formation yelling 'ARCH-ARCH-ARCH!' at each other to speed it up and make it more stable. I immediately flashed to the scene in 'Fandango' where Phillip's friends were clapping like seals and yelling at him to do the same! :P;)

Looking forward to your next trip to Perris. Perhaps I'll get in the air with you (shooting video, that is....don't touch -my- lines! :o)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I got a chuckle, however, when you relayed the story of a formation yelling 'ARCH-ARCH-ARCH!' at each other to speed it up and make it more stable. I immediately flashed to the scene in 'Fandango' where Phillip's friends were clapping like seals and yelling at him to do the same! :P;)

That's actually what I sound like :-) I know it but can't help it :-)

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