
Changing the colour of cutaway/reserve pillows.

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I recently took delivery of a new jumpsuit!Now my problem is that the jumpsuit fabric matches the colour of my rigs cutaway/reserve pillows and i would like to create some contrast.Any suggestions on how to do this [dye etc]without damaging the integrity of the pillows.Cheers Trig

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i would say yes. i see no problem in tye dying them or something. but i'd talk to your rigger and have him be there.

i don't know how u tye dye anything, but i assume just ink, and that wouldn't hurt the cables or anything.

BUT, the best way would be to buy new handles. i know you said you don't really have the money for it, but this is the best solution

and now you know next time to take you handles into consideration when ordering a jump suit huh ;):)

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put petrol on,and set it to fire just before leaving the plane,then only fall on your back,you should then beabel to find it what ever...
or just get a new one.you say you cant effort it,but who pays your jumps?think it max would be 2 jump tickets.. safty first...
You could also wait but then just besure each time you leave the plane,that you know were to find it.

personal choises(some good some bad;))

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Get some electrical insulating tape in a contrasting colour and put a couple of 'stripes' on it, till you can get either a piece of fabric/binding tape sewn on etc, or the thing changed out. Its a quick fix and probably won't last long.
Be wary of swapping with your pals, make sure the cable lengths are the same. Too short is bad, too long is bad.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Go to a fabric or craft store and look for fabric paint. Not the puffy kind.;) Might work. Try it on the back side first. Also ask a rigger there if he has parachute marking ink. Might look ugly but would change color. For that matter I had a newbie that changed his rig from blue to black with a fabric marker pen. (no I wouldn't pack it.)


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Terry Urban

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I have the same problem since I jump in a red sweatshirt sometimes. Our S&TA cut a thin piece of gaffer's tape (about 1/4" wide) and wrapped it once around my cutaway handle. It contrasts with the red (just a bit) and it lets me spot it quickly when I am doing my practice cutaways. I don't think I'll have a problem seeing it when the time comes.

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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I've done exactly the same thing,ideally i'll replace both pillows but as i'm going travelling within the next week or so maybe for 2months i was hoping someone could suggest some sort of fabric dye or paint that will not react with the original fabric.This would also allow me to customise the pillows to my own design.Cheers Trig

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