
Help w/Sony HC 30

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I was shooting some fun jumps today and one of our senior(badass video people) fixed this for me once, Fletch is in Florida so I can't ask him. The clarity and the color are excellent but from time to time the picture gets really bright. It records back lighter than I want it to. How to I darken the recording. This happens from time to time when the sun is to my back, on the ground; etc. It just records to brightly. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Am using a Royal Lens .5 Stealth.
Corvette Dude

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Check to see if your back light is on. If that doesn't work check to make sure the exposure is set to auto...if it is getting set to manual someplace a little darker (i.e. in the plane/hanger) any exterior shots will be very washed out. You should be able to check the exposure setting in the menu (set it to auto if it is not) and if the backlight is on you should see a little icon on your viewfinder (looks like a little sun in a box), but not sure if the hc30 has a button on the body or in the menu to turn it on/off.
Hope this helps...

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Oops, sorry I wasn't clear... :$ Your backlight should be in the off position...the problem you're having sounds like it could be on already.

The only time I ever found a use for the backlight was when there was a high layer of solid overcast clouds. With the backlight off the whatever I was filming from underneath was basically just a black silhouette...if you turn the backlight on for something like that it helps lighten up the subject but it will make the background wash out.

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