
How to build own Cam-eye?

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You need to use a microprocessor. There are specifications for LANC online, its 8 bit commands I believe, bi-directional.

I looked at it. And then looked at the price of a cameye, and decided to let them do the work for me. And theirs looks pretty too.

Edit: Heres a start... but just buy one, its easier :P http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/dmeed/sony_lan.html

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I'm sure you know (but in case you don't) 'LANC' is a serial protocol rather than a switch, and the only way of communicating with the camera is via a microprocessor or microcontroller that is capable of generating the correct sequences of '1's and '0's.

The usual 'dabblers' microcontroller of choice is the PIC family from Arizona Microchip. I have had fun playing with these in the past, doing simple tasks. The cost of getting started is very low (which is, I guess, why they appeal to dabblers), and if you can program at all, the PIC instruction set won't take much learning.

I had a quick Google for 'PIC' and 'LANC' - the 1st few hits have sample code and schematics galore, plus references to the LANC protocol standard.

All that said, I weighed up the effort needed to get a working switch with the cost of a Cameye and thought... naaah.


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so even the cam-eye 1 is not just a few wires it containes a microproscessor???????

i thought it was a switch for the on off part oh well ok

thanks this is way out of my league then

Here ya go...A simple indicator light that doesn't involve a microprocessor...and -might- be what we're resigned to if Sony discontinues its LANC port feature. :|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Guys, Get Hypoxic makes a really inexpensive camcorder status indicator. They are starting to be sold around the country but right now you can buy them direcltly from the manufacturer. Check their webpage at www.gethypoxic.com.

Currently some of the worlds best use them: Steve Curtis, Ash White (Arizona Airspeed) and Omar Alhegelan.

Developing your own, although fun and a good learning experience, does take a while and ends up costing you more than buying one already developed and tested.

Check the reviews on dropzone.com here http://www.dropzone.com/gear/Detailed/555.html

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