
What lens for tandem filming?

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I'm looking for a lens to fit my PC1000 in order to film tandems.
I need about a 0.45.
I like the low profile lenses such as:



However, all the other camera people at the DZ use lenses that look like this one:


or this:


The narrow ones are a single piece of glass right? Whereas the ones which protrude have several pieces?

The videos produced by the camera staff at the moment show no noticable "fish eyeing" (or what ever its called.)
There is a demand for extremely high video quality, so this effect will be unacceptable.

Do the thin lenses produce this effect? If not, then why is no one at the DZ using them?

Why does it seem that only skydiving related companys are selling these lenses?

Theyre obviously better from an asthetic perspective, so is there something about them that makes them unattractive to anyone who doesnt have to worry about snagging lines on them?

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They are great lenses but the down side to them is their inability to maintain focus when you zoom your camera in. They will allow you to zoom in to about 50% only, so when you are doing the landing portion of the skydive you cannot zoom in nicely to get a closeup on landing. The picture quality is great though, and I use one all the time.


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