
DV cam without box

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This feels like another sort of stupid question, but here goes. Am considering getting rid of D-box on my topmounted DV cam (HC90) to conserve space. Although I will admit the D-box has saved me more than once when I stupidly ran my head into the bar on the Otter door.

Anyway, my stupid question is this - has anyone ever had the relative wind push their zoom lever around? I haven't seen many other DVcams up close since the HC90 is the only one I've had, so I don't know what most zoom levers look like, but the zoom lever seems kind of big and I do a lot of backflying (and even some "headdown" wingsuit stuff :o:S) and it just really seems like that lever would move. I guess if it did I'd just gaffer's tape it like I will have to do with the LCD anyway...

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When you see the few tiny, less then 1mm thick screws, that are all whats holding your camera in place, you'll probably want to rethink getting rid of your D-Box.

Instead of just damaging your camera on a bump during exit, it could actualy mean loss of your camera...
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When you see the few tiny, less then 1mm thick screws, that are all whats holding your camera in place, you'll probably want to rethink getting rid of your D-Box.

What do you mean by that comment about the screws? It would be a 1/4" (much more than 1mm) screw... :|

I will admit I like the protection offered by the Dbox, but my Rebel XT is not protected and is larger and more expensive, so more vulnerable. I am making myself extra careful to avoid bashing it in the plane... why can't I take the same care with the DVcam? The surface area from my new setup is killer for wingsuiting and I'm thinking just losing a little will help a lot. But I'm still not sure what I'll do...

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I've never used a D-box of any kind (all top mounted stuff), and it hasn't been a problem.

My camera is held on with the tripod screw and a strap.

That said the zoom button on my current vid is very easy to move so but button has been gaffer taped over in a way that "stiffens" it up a bit. It can still be zoomed in and out, it just takes a little more force on the button.

This wasn't done for the wind as that never seemed to be an issue, but because moving around / climbing out of the plane (mostly Cessna's) doesn't always make for a bump free scenario

Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.

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