
mounting pc1000

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Is there a good way to line up the sites before I actually drill holes in my helmet( a z1 evo)...and for anyone who is gonna tell me that i need more jumps, thank you, but I do not plan on jumping until i have 200 atleast. I am just nervous to do the mounting wrong. I would imagine, i only have one shot at drilling, before I start ruining the integrity of the helmet shell.

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I am just nervous to do the mounting wrong. I would imagine, i only have one shot at drilling, before I start ruining the integrity of the helmet shell.

That's true. What you could do, is spend your next 50 jumps planning out exactly how to drill those holes. Why do you need holes in your helmet now if you're not going to mount anything to it yet?

I've heard it before...

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Buy a cheap laser pointer and gaffer's tape it to the top of the box/camera so that you can get a idea of what its line of site is then mark your holes before you drill it.

Personally, with so many good helmets with integrated boxes out there FF2, Rawa, etc... I'd wait, make some more jumps and buy a separate camera helmet. I know I like to have a non-camera helmet for h&ps, etc...
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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Do the laser pointers really work? I've seen it used, but every laser pointer I've owned (maybe 4 of em) doesn't shoot straight. They're all off a few degrees. Does that not matter over the distances we're talking about, or do most of em shoot straighter than mine?


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I've seen the trick used effectively to give a rough idea of centering. Personally I shoot test video for alignment purposes. It's a pain, but wysiwyg.

My method for aligning my ringsight:

Take my TV and put it in front of the window. Stand in front of it, with my camera hooked up to the AV in, in record mode. Helmet on my head. Aim the ringsight out the window at something far away, look down at TV with my eyes (not moving my head) and observe where camera is centered. Move ringsight until it is aligned with camera.

If I were mounting a box for the first time, I could gaffer's tape it to the side of the helmet BEFORE drilling holes, and use a similar approach to get it to a location I like. Then mark it and drill.

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