
Hot Shoe remote shutters

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So I have been hired to do some camera work for a whuffo photographer. He would like me to use his Nikon F90x film camera. I have used his camera before with a Rf module that I was attatched to the shoe plate and the other was a hand remote. It worked, but unfortunately, my head looked like the Eiffel Tower. So what I am looking for is a hotshoe shutter release mechanism that is either a tounge ot bite switch. Does this exist? Is there any mechanism that will allow me to keep my hands completely free when shooting a film camera that does not have an electronic shutter release port, ie 2.5mm plug.


Controlled and Deliberate.....

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Hes probably stuck using it, because it is his only film camera he uses. He has digi's, but he doesn't want to strap a 10k camera on my head. And I really don't want that much camera on my head either! He is using the photos for publications such as Adventure Magazine, so he needs either film, or very very high quality digital. Hes particular, and is willing to pay for it. So I am going to shoot whatever and however he wants.;) read: well compensated.


Controlled and Deliberate.....

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I'd order this remote cord for the Nikon: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?A=details&kw=NIMC10&is=REG&Q=&O=productlist&sku=37710 and see if you can hack it together with a tongue switch..

I am sure there are people on here that can help you out, I know a lot of people that have jumped (and still jump) Nikon camera gear..

Send ffejdraga a note.. I know he's been jumping Nikon for a long time..
I know McGowan used to jump Nikon too, but he uses hand remote switches, at least for the last three years he has..

Hope this helps..


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I have sent Conceptus a email asking them if they can piece together a switch using something like this, and then converting the final product to a tounge switch end. I'm sure its easy enough when you know what your doing.;)


Controlled and Deliberate.....

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I have sent Conceptus a email asking them if they can piece together a switch using something like this, and then converting the final product to a tounge switch end. I'm sure its easy enough when you know what your doing.;)

It's very easy to do yourself too.. you just figure out the wires and match them up, that's what I had to do for my 20D as well..

You buy a conceptus tongue switch, cut off the 2.5mm plug and go at it.. or buy the switch without a plug and use that one..

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I noticed this takes the same switch as the F100. Are you sure the wires can be spliced on the N90? The only reason I ask is because the remote for my F100 has an LED display, and a number of buttons to control timers, etc.

I've got an N90 that I don't use, so I've been thinking using as a jump camera if I need to shoot with film.
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Yep, no doubt it can. It is the same exact switch for the F-100, which an example of is an MC-30. There are some swicthes that are more complicated than others, but the MC-30 is pretty basic. A friend of mine has the exact setup with an N90, and I used to have an F100 that way.

Vectracide: pm sent

jeff D-16906

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It would not be hard to make something yourself by wiring an existing toung or bite switch to the Rf module that he's got; or possibly directly to the camera based on the interfaces it provides. How much does the RF module cost and how easy it is to take apart to see the contacts? If you're not good with electronics and want a quick walkthrough on how switches / contacts work and how to use an ohm meter to confirm what to connect to each other, send me a PM and i'll go into more detail.
Matt Christenson

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