
Any pictures of yourself while working ???

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I made a little trip up to New York last week and got a chance to make a few jumps with none other than Laszlo Andacs. We took my girlfriend's brother, Ted, on a tandem and Laszlo shot the video.

I flew outside video and snapped a few shots of him in action. Pretty interesting to watch him sitfly - he's rather talented in case you guys haven't noticed B|


Laszlo 2

On our last jump we managed to hit a nice hail storm on exit. Not rain, HAIL. Hurt like a mofo. B|


Thanks for the jumps and the pics, Laci. I have a few good shots of you from the tandem I'll be sending along once I get a chance to go through them all.[url]


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in that group shot are you flying head down?

Nope. Just flyin' on my belly/knees.


Student in the plane looks like they are wearing skimpy shorts and a low cut top! :o

Poor girl - I'm pretty sure she wasn't a student though. I think she was doing a rodeo dive on that jump. Oddly enough, she didn't get blasted as bad as most of us did. I had little bruises on my face, arms, legs, and stomach. Still do, actually :D


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Thanks for all the compliment!
...now I feel almost too good:)
I just posted the hail shots on the "post your best shot" thread. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=1698116;page=38;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;guest=50593822
The tandem jump pics are on my site already (like Kenny's slam into the jump....) The hail ones will be there too soon.

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