
SONY PC1000 Owners : Best usage advice

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I'd like to start a thread about the PC1000 that is NOT compairing it to other cameras but instead discussing how to get the best footage. What are everyone's comments about how to configure the camera before a jump? Manual modes? Automatic modes? Lenses? Widescreen or standard? Cinematic mode?

Thanks for everyones opinions and advice!
Matt Christenson

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Common settings on my PC1000 using a Sony .6x wide angle:

Manual focus set to infinity
Zoomed out to full wide (gaffers tape the switch down)
Standard 4:3 mode, not widescreen
Backlight OFF <-- damn button seems to get pressed on accident occasionally so always double-check it!

Anything else I want to do is done "in the editing room".

The video it shoots is essentially unbeatable without going with bigger and more expensive cameras.
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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I like using the 30p mode rather than interlaced. Makes for much better frame captures. I use frame capture for illlustration and special effects when editing.

I also use the smooth interval recording to do ground shots of the DZ for "B" roll.

Using zebra takes much of the guesswork out of avoiding fades and washes - especially on bright tarmac on bright days.

I use the backlight button on the plane and then turn it off before exit.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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Thanks for that tip about using 30p mode. I use alot of frame capture stuff and sometimes it's hard to get a good one. Would you mind telling me how to get to that setting, I'd like to try that this weekend but I'm still a little slow when it comes to the menu's and whatnot on the camera. Thanks again.


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