
Post your flash setup??

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Hey Bill,

I have a pretty extensive metal fab and powder coating facility and I made that bracket for Iwan.. It is time consuming and therefore expensive to make little custom one-off brackets like that so I only make stuff for my Byron peeps when they ask nicely and our shop supervisor has the time to mess around with it.. There are only 3 parts to it if Iwan could sketch them for you and you have some basic metal-working tools, you could probably make something close. :)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Here are a couple i took today of what i currently jump .But i'm having another made right now .And i think it will work pretty sweet!

A friend will bail you out of jail , a REAL friend will be sitting next to you in the cell slapping your hand saying "DUDE THAT WAS AWSUM " ................

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yes sennheiser ew 100
It works pretty nice but the range is only about 500 ft , but that can vary longer sometimes .I just plug it in for the freefall portion of the video.

A friend will bail you out of jail , a REAL friend will be sitting next to you in the cell slapping your hand saying "DUDE THAT WAS AWSUM " ................

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yes sennheiser ew 100
It works pretty nice but the range is only about 500 ft , but that can vary longer sometimes .I just plug it in for the freefall portion of the video.

Hi Iwan,

Sorry to be drifting away from the flash subject... but would like to understand your mic setup. Isn't that a bodypack? to whom are you transmitting the mic signal?

Or are you receiving? In that case, who?

Inquiring minds want to know...:)

Carlos Martins
Portugal www.cj.smugmug.com

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OK, got it. Thanks for the explanation.If you chase tandems under canopy that would be a great sound track also!

I would imagine that wind noise would make the freefall audio uninteligible... even considering the directivity of the clip-on mic. Good to know that it works!

Carlos Martins
Portugal www.cj.smugmug.com

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