
Advice on buying a new camera

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Hi all.
I have been using my Sony PC 101 for the last couple of years and have been filming formations,students,tandems and have used it on handcam for tandems. I want to invest in a new video cam. I have not kept track of the new models coming out and need advice on which Sony vidcam I should look at. I trust Sony and want to stick with Sony. Can you give me advice on which cam I should look at?[:/]
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While there aren't any boxes for the HC3 or A1U, given that the entire world is quickly moving towards HD, you might consider one of these. I'd originally had a bad opinion of the HC3 as a jump cam, but after now having around 30 jumps on one (on a friend, not me) I can say I'm very impressed. The HC3 is quite small, smooth surfaces, and I'm sure someone (Bonehead?) will make a box for it.
For ground work it somewhat suffers, having no mic input or headphone out, but outside of that, it's impressive overall.
Additionally, the short focal length of 5.1mm makes it fairly ideal with a lesser wide angle.

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To add to that, if you don't want to go full on and invest in HD I think that the PC1000 is your next best bet. I have been using one since last season and have no complaints what so ever. It is a small 3 chip camera and has no "3 chip problem" It has great color reproduction.

The only downside is that it has its own type of battery.
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I have to agree with the PC-1000 recomendation. It's an awsome camera with 3-CMOS technology. I would try to find one quick, as Sony has discontinued the model (I don't know why) and prices have dropped. I believe you should be able to find one for around 700 or 800 USD. Good Luck!

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I have to agree with the PC-1000 recomendation. It's an awsome camera with 3-CMOS technology. I would try to find one quick, as Sony has discontinued the model (I don't know why) and prices have dropped. I believe you should be able to find one for around 700 or 800 USD. Good Luck!

Sony, like virtually all Asian manufacturers, determines their sales numbers before tooling up. So, they figure they can sell say, 250K units, that's what they build, and then move on. Usually, they're pretty close in estimates, but sometimes, like the HC1 and PC1000, they're way off, and sell more units faster than they're prepared for.

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