
Shooting stills of 4 way (350D)

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I've just started shooting stills on my tandems and things seem to be going ok. What i want to know about though is shooting 4 Way stills. I tried yesterday for the second time while on one of my team's training jumps.

The only thing is that all my pics have a slight blur to them. My distance was the usual 8 feet or so away that i fly 4 way video.

I used the same seetings that i'd used on the tandem jump the load before. I think it has something to do with this and could probably be fixed by re-adjustng my focus/ distance seetings. But i was wondering what you guys use anyway...


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I always shoot auto-focus.

The dificulty is that if you take any shots close inside the plane, your first shot outside will be slow while the camera focuses. So, I make sure to take a few extra shots in the door to compensate.


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I always shoot auto-focus.

The dificulty is that if you take any shots close inside the plane, your first shot outside will be slow while the camera focuses. So, I make sure to take a few extra shots in the door to compensate.



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AF would work but I am sure there are settings for your camera that would allow you to just set one MF setting and get great pictures.

I have attached 2 sets of pictures. Each is a reduced version of the full photo accompanied by a 100% crop.

The RW jump was shot at ISO400 and the Tandem was ISO200. Both were at a shutter speed of 1/400s and the focus settings were the same.
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AF would work but I am sure there are settings for your camera that would allow you to just set one MF setting and get great pictures.


To the original poster:
Read up on "hyperfocal distance"

The only times I have shot in AF is when I was using a "longer than normal" lens on my camera (50mm / 80mm / 100mm)

With wide angle lenses, you should be able to work with the hyperfocal distance of the lens.

For me.. 400 F8, ISO 100 on my Sigma 15mm, set the focus to about 4 / 5 ft out and all my shots are razor sharp. Tandems, Belly formation, FF formation, birdman..


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AF would work but I am sure there are settings for your camera that would allow you to just set one MF setting and get great pictures.


To the original poster:
Read up on "hyperfocal distance"

The only times I have shot in AF is when I was using a "longer than normal" lens on my camera (50mm / 80mm / 100mm)

With wide angle lenses, you should be able to work with the hyperfocal distance of the lens.

For me.. 400 F8, ISO 100 on my Sigma 15mm, set the focus to about 4 / 5 ft out and all my shots are razor sharp. Tandems, Belly formation, FF formation, birdman..


Me three.. I played with AF for a while and every once in a while, I'd lose a shot or two to major blurriness.. When I lost 2 in a day that were "keeper" shots.. I went back to MF and haven't looked back since.
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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