
Firewire to DVD recorder problems.

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hi again dse

yes, it is a set-top box i asked sony technical about.


If you're using an external DVD recorder as in a 'set-top' unit, Sony does only talk to the recorder via firewire.

not sure i understood this sentence. this is exactly what sony told me couldn't happen -that the sony laptop could not talk to the set-top box via firewire. Were they wrong?


jon t

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Depending on the model of settop and how it's set up to communicate, some software authoring tools will see it while others won't.
For example, I use Sony DVD Architect for some DVD authoring, and Apple DVD Studio Pro. Sony DVD Architect won't see my Sony set top as a burning device, but DVD Studio will. On the other hand, DVD StudioPro won't see my Pioneer unit, while my Sony software will.
I've pretty well locked in to using external DVD burners in 1394 cases, like you can get at any computer store. Cheap, and it's just like an external drive, and ALL DVD authoring tools will see it.

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ah, i think i see what's going on here now. You are referring to dvd authoring, and what I have been trying to do is cut time by using the dvd recorder to record in real time to save on the burning time. Which the Sony unit (and the Technika, for that matter) will do via video input, but not via firewire except from a camera. Which is a pain, because my laptop doesn't have s-video out, only firewire out. And I guess this is true for all set-top recorders.

have i got it right now?

jon t

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Now we're on the same page.
There is a reason that the DVD burner set tops don't do direct firewire burns from a camera, but will do it from authoring software. Stupid reason, but it's because of how Euro copyright management is in place. It's a copyright issue. the high end set top systems do burn from firewire, but you're talking in the range of 3K and higher.
You can use authoring software for the project, but not render. ADS "Instant DVD" captures the vid as an mpeg file, and burns straight to disk via Firewire.

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