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Hi All,

I am considering buying a lense off of Ebay. I don't want to spend to much, and this lense seems reasonable. I am no stranger to Ebay and checking out the sellers. I would appreciate any comments from people who have bought from this guy (sainidigital), or on my choice of wide angle. I have a 0.5 already. New to camera flying (zero camera jumps), and waiting with the rest of you who have ordered from 2k.


Thanks... JUMP SAFE!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUMP SAFE!

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Ive not heard of that lens, and neither am I a well versed camera guy.
Its not one of the brands I see commonly at the DZ.
Kenko, Diamond, and Sony being by far the most common.
Id say for the price I'd look at a comparable Kenco from B & H or someone.
Im running a .5 PRO kenko for over 500 jumps and it works perfect for outside work, tandems, and large inside work.
Im lookin at going to a .42 for inside work.

hope that helps just a little.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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A good friend has a Titanium .45 It is a nice lens and I've never seen some of the nasty artifacts you get from kenko and other cheap lenses on his footage, (such as actually being able to see a reflection of the rear of the first element).

I can't directly comment on the size you've posted as I've not seen it before but personally I certainly wouldn't have any issue buying a Titanium lens... though I'm not exactly an authority on the subject.

I do wonder how big it is though.

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I saw some of these on E-bay in the Titanium series. Has anybody tried it?? For $49 it is inexpensive but if it does not do well, then the cheapes thing is a waste of $

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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I saw some of these on E-bay in the Titanium series. Has anybody tried it?? For $49 it is inexpensive but if it does not do well, then the cheapes thing is a waste of $
Exactly was I was looking for, but it seems that no one has tried it.


Scott C.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUMP SAFE!

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