
mounting ? for flat top pro

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i've been jumping a flat top pro for a while with a canon rebel mounted to the front and a sony pc 101 mounted in a dbox on the top but i was wondering if it was possible to mount them both on the top without turning the still camera vertical. Has anyone done this? do you have pictures? the weight on the front is starting to bother my neck so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

thanks everyone!!

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How wide of a lens are you using for the stills?

I have a PC cam on the front right corner and a 10 on the back left. With a 18mm lens (approx 24mm on the rebel) I am fine, I don't use a Dbox, but use a stroboframe.
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" Yea its a snag hazard but I have hundreds of jumps on it with no problems. "

You only need one jump to be dead.

And if you have a line snag ,you are dead.

It isn't, a question of IF it happens,it is a quastion WHEN it happens.

Everything are waiting to kill you ,if you don`t pay atenshen..The only way to be a old skydiver is to think all the time.

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" Yea its a snag hazard but I have hundreds of jumps on it with no problems. "

You only need one jump to be dead.

And if you have a line snag ,you are dead.

It isn't, a question of IF it happens,it is a quastion WHEN it happens.

Everything are waiting to kill you ,if you don`t pay atenshen..The only way to be a old skydiver is to think all the time.

Um. Calm down. We are all under a death sentence upon leaving the aircraft unless we so a bunch of stuff in the right order on time.

Camera jumpers, like tandem jumpers pull high so they can fix or destroy stuff that is trying to kill them.

Camera is harder and more dangerous. Like tandems. Give the extra time to fix problems and have fun doing the extra cool stuff that cameras and tandems provide.

Of course its insanely dangerous. Even without tandems and cameras.


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thanks for the responses...

last week I decided to take the plate that was already on it and turn it sideways (as I had seen done) so that it would be wide enough for both cameras. I mounted them similarly to the picture posted by andy man and only five jumps later, had what i believe was an excess break line snag the helmet. Holy scary! i made 600-700 jumps on the old setup with no concern at all so to have a snag after only five makes me very nervous. I think it snagged in the gap between the side of the helmet and the plate...any suggestions on how to fill that in? I taped it for now but there must be a better way...


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For the record, I never suggested just turning your old top so that it would be wider. I had Bonehead custom make me a new top that was an inch and a half wider. In 500 jumps, I've never had any problems with it.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Um. Calm down. We are all under a death sentence upon leaving the aircraft unless we so a bunch of stuff in the right order on time.

Camera jumpers, like tandem jumpers pull high so they can fix or destroy stuff that is trying to kill them.

Camera is harder and more dangerous. Like tandems. Give the extra time to fix problems and have fun doing the extra cool stuff that cameras and tandems provide.

Of course its insanely dangerous. Even without tandems and cameras.


Thanks for that one........it's keeps my fingures from typing until they hurt!

Anyway a while back in Deland I saw a FTP that had a wider top plate (2" overhang each side), the guy had taken and cut it in with some kind of filler and then glassed over it so it was a smooth transition, that may be a little more work than most people but it looked great, he also had a VX-2000 and a 20D on top, neither of which hung over the side.

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I have an HC1 top mounted with a 350D.

Its well balanced and sits nicely.

A couple of the other cameramen at my DZ are changing over to the same setup.

Ill post a pic later


As promised here are some pics of my FTP with 350d Sigma 10-20mm and HC1 top mounted.

Sorry about the quality of the stills they were taken with my PDA mobile.

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