
Sony DCR-HC30 video camera

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I have a Sony DCR-HC30 video camera that I have been using for about 2 years and it has recently developed a small problem. It does not happen all the time, but it is anoying. Sometimes when the battery is in the camera, it will start to read the memory stick even though the camera is turned off. It will even do it while the memory stick is still not in it. I have a cam-eye II plugged into it, and it does this with and without it plugged in. I have reset the camera and it will still do it. Any ideas?

Blue Skies,

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I have an HC20 that doesn't want to go to sleep sometimes. No memory stick in the HC20 but the camera light flashes sometimes when the camera is off. With the Cam-eyeII plugged in, you turn the camera off using the cam eye and, bing bong, blue light again! Tried the reset also, no joy. If you find a solution to this, I am all ears. My solution involves clicking the battery in as part of my gear up at 3 mins. Unclicking it on landing.

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I am still having the same problem, but it has gotten worse. It will be recording just fine and then it will stop recording video and keep recording audio. Really makes me mad when I can't tell that it is doing it in freefall or not until I get down. BLAH! Sony wants $211 flat rate to fix the camera.

Blue Skies,

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