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What software does anyone recommend for a beginer that is just editing video for fun and friends? Tries Sony Vegas and it seems complicated. Maybe I'm just not computer literate enough, but just for fun it seems there would be something more simple. Something that you can just put some music to and maybe a little slow-mo. Not really much more than that. What do you think?

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If you have a relatively new CPU or laptop, use Roxio, or utilize some of windows media player #9, or movie maker. Get this mastered and worry about the rest later. Good Luck.
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ok... since you're new I'll let it slide this time... but in the future try to do a search before starting a new thread... cause this has been discussed recently in the past couple of weeks...

but... since I'm being nice... there's a great post from a resident video editing expert here. ;):P and its only on page 2.... :D

that or you can just use windows moviemaker... It's what I use... Icon's Video Page B|
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I actually prefer Vegas and think it's the easiest to use, of the few I've tried (I haven't tried Window Movie Maker yet though). Try to find some Vegas tutorials if you can't figure it out on your own, the interface is really pretty simple. You can make a whole movie with slow-mo, fades, and music by just clicking and dragging basically.

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