
Best camera? Help me to choose one plz!

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Hi, I'm a newcomer on this forum.
I'm from Moscow and I jump on local DZ's

My friend has a birthday this Sunday and we want to buy him a camera for skydiving as a present.

The problem is that I don't know which camera is the best choice for a beginner.

Don't think that we should buy smth extra expensive.
He is a beginner and he doesn't need a PRO camera..

I choose between Sony and Samsung...
Could you give any advice plz??

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it may be best to buy your friend some skydives, instead of " a camera for skydiving".
I wonder WHO :|;) he might be taking videos of.... you and your buddies??? hahahaha
It all depends on his flying abilities, time in freefall, and to some extent number of jumps.
If he has under 400 jumps or so, a "camera for skydiving" may not be wise. Skydive safely in all situations before donning a camera ( distraction factor) ( at least at first )
Are there very many freefall videographers at your DZ??? what do they use??What experience level do they have?
If you want something for ground footage, or to fire wire footage from aerial cameras, sony has always done the job. Stay with mini-dv, or even better HDV, avoid direct to cd recording. The model you choose, must have lanc port and firewire port. you can learn more at www.sonystyle.com I don't know about samsung. jmy.....:)

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