
Anyone used the Canon 400D yet?

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How did it go?

I reckon I have found a storming deal for the 400. Twin lens kit, (Big zoomy thing for land based stuff), 2gig card, 2 UV filters & carry bag for AU$1750. Not jumping this weekend but would be :)

I'll let you know in about an hour when the sky clears over Elsinore.

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I'll let you know in about an hour when the sky clears over Elsinore.

You're at Elsinore again, you bum! We're here at Perris this 3-day weekend too! Come on over the hill when you're done tomorrow. Might finally get that Sushi! My team's up for it on Saturday night...:)

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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It was really good to see you!

I like the 400 way better than my 10D. It's super fast and that 10.1 chip could allow for some pretty serious cropping without losing image resolution. I got a bite switch for it and I'm still getting used to it, bit it focuses extremely fast and I did several jumps this weekend on autofucus. You'll probably see some of them in Wings ads.

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It was really good to see you!

Next stop...Nationals! :)

I like the 400 way better than my 10D.

I had to read this sentence more than a few times to finally understand that you're not talking about the 400-way formation record...:$ But hey, it's late and after a very tiring 3-day weekend. :)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Picked the beast up yesterday. Bl00dy hell, this thing is an animal!!! I thought our Olympus 3030 was the dogs bollox.

Weather forecast says wind this weekend so looks like some ground based learning is in order, thinking of taking a course too. I haven't used an SLR for decades!

Have done a search and seems like the sports setting on autofocus seems to work OK. It will only be for shots of the boss doing freestyle and fun jumps. What's the verdict??

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Picked the beast up yesterday. Bl00dy hell, this thing is an animal!!! I thought our Olympus 3030 was the dogs bollox.

Weather forecast says wind this weekend so looks like some ground based learning is in order, thinking of taking a course too. I haven't used an SLR for decades!

Have done a search and seems like the sports setting on autofocus seems to work OK. It will only be for shots of the boss doing freestyle and fun jumps. What's the verdict??

The sports setting is just an easy way to quick configure all the other settings on the camera and give up any control you have on it. All of the things you can get in sports mode are available in P, Av, Tv, or M. What I don't like about sports mode, at least on the rebel XT, (note: don't know about the XTi for sure) is that it forces you into medium picture size.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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