
Camera Flying

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I'm going to start off by going on the asumption that you've read the appropiate section of the SIM if you haven't its a good idea.

I'm also going to assume that you don't intend to jump with a camera until you have an appropiate amount of experience and righ now you are more or less looking for advice on what to practice to make yourself a better camera flyer in the future.

ok now that we've got the assumptions out on the table...

If you're interested in shooting RW formations (like 4-way, 8-way, etc) then practice flying on your belly learn how to fly to your spot then take a grip (you want to be able to let go of the formation and stay right where you are.) because when I do 4-way video I'm about 7-8 ft from the formation and must work to stay where I am and make a good video (and I still need a lot of work.)

if your interested in shooting tandem video then you need many of the same skillsets but you need even more experience... the SIM recommends 300 jumps and some manufactures require/recommmend 500 jumps.

Also, talk to your local camera flyers (instructors), get their advice... they know your skills better then anyone here will... oh and please heed their advice...

I hope this helps.

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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the sony hdr-hc9 is a good belly flying camera... great vdceo for sure..... but it has the EIS... go a few models back like the hdr-hc5 and the freeflying gets good video without the "video flutter"like you get on the hc9 i recommend getting sidemount camera and top mount still camera... as i got top mount camera and a L bracket stills, very heavy and difficult with few jumps like you and i got just my 2 cents:)

the big dirty

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