
Buying a rig without jumping it...

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I have been looking at 2nd hand gear but I have a concern. Most of the rigs I am looking at are not cypres equipped. This means that I cannot jump them (A Lic). Now I obviously will get a Cypres but I can't really fit it into a rig I do not own so how can I jump a rig before buying it. I suppose I could either:

1. Get someone I trust who knows my canopy skills etc. to jump it and give me a verdict.
2. Get the main placed in another container that is Cypres equipped and jump that - not sure how easy this will be.

I have had one friend state that as long as I am wing loading correctly (the one I am interested in is c. 1.1:1) that I should be fine under most canopies - he described it as like Bikes (which I ride), 90% of it is being on the bike and enjoying that and 10% is what bike it is.

Any advice.



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Is that a new rule ..not being able to jump w/out an AAD til you have your 'A'?..

Anyway when I was looking to buy I jumped my container and main a couple times before buying but then when I went to downsize I heard so many good things about the hornets I thought F#CK it and jsut bought one w/out ever flying one... I cant speak for anyone else but I've had NO regrets so far!! Now maybe I just lucked out and I certainly dont recomend anyone jsut doing this but I am proof that someone can go out and by completely happy with a purchase without having to fly umteen canopies...and it worked out AWSOME for me!!! Worst case senerio(sp) I'd have to send it back...( plus the price was a BIG ++ for me) So as far as advice goes I'd say talk to your instructors and do what you feel comfy with...yeah I know ..not really good advise but thats my story

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not being able to jump w/out an AAD til you have your 'A'?..

Its in the SIM that students must have some sort of AAD and a non-licensed jumper is cosidered to be a student (if I remember correctly).

Ask around your DZ or your DZO or somebody to see if you can borrow a rig with an AAD to put that Hornet in to see if you like flying it.

On a side note, I've put about 50 jumps on a Hornet and I loved it. It flies real similar to a Sabre2.
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I have had one friend state that as long as I am wing loading correctly (the one I am interested in is c. 1.1:1) that I should be fine under most canopies

What kind of main is it? Have you jumped anything that size yet?

If you're okay with the idea that had you been able to demo you may have preferred a nine cell instead of a seven cell (or vice versa) or a "tapered" canopy instead of a rectangular one, buying it without jumping it isn't that big a deal. Have it all looked at by a rigger (including checking the line trim) and make sure the harness fits you before paying the money though.

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everyone here seems focused on main canopies, but you said you were going to purchase a rig. I assume You mean harness/container, main and reserve. The problem I see is fit for the harness. I have jumped harnesses that fit well on the ground, but were totally uncomfortable on opening.As far as I'm concerned you are taking a big risk if you don't at least check sizing with the manufacturer. I personally would have to jump it. Most manufacturers should be able to tell you if the rig will fit or not if you give them your measurements.
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everyone here seems focused on main canopies




Anyway when I was looking to buy I jumped my container and main a couple times before buying



I'm sorry I missed the point. I'm not sure what the implication is here
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Go for it... if it is a good price... seems like it will be appropriate for you.

move this quote (below, in quotation marks) to a few other forums... it is quite good... and also appropriate. As more and more information becomes available...thankyou internet, people quit thinking and only read... use your brain and soul to skydive... It has worked for many years past and probably works very well today, if implemented.

"most canopies - he described it as like Bikes (which I ride), 90% of it is being on the bike and enjoying that and 10% is what bike it is."

Very well said...I think that applies to all forms of skydiving as well.....


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The harness fits fine. the main is a 7 cell 200. i am currently jumping a 190 and have been doing so for c. 20 jumps. In Australia, where I am, I am unable to jump without an AAD until I have a C license.


Actually, you need a D to jump without an AAD.
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"Actually, you need a D to jump without an AAD. "

And you have to use RSL if you do not use AAD at D license. I think E & F can do whatever they want.
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I had 40ish jumps when I bought a rig, without a main, tried it on the ground and the guy I bought it from was a similar size and body type to me. I got the main seperately and when I got the two together I asked an instructor at our DZ jump it just to make sure them main was ok (since I bought from someone I didn't know over the net).. luckily it all worked out well, and 50 jumps later, I finally jumped my own rig! That was a couple of hundred ago, so I guess, if you can't jump it before you buy it, make sure it fits on the ground, and have someone at your DZ check the fit for you, and see if you can get someone to jump it for you, just to make sure..

just a few thoughts from north of the 49th!

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"and see if you can get someone to jump it for you, just to make sure..
You should be the judge: jump it yourself for fit, trim, and flare. Pre-inspection should reveal most problems. I must say though, that I had a trim problem that did not seem to be related to line length when the riggers checked it. Later, PD "made some adjustments", but shipped it back with the same line set. Now it flies straight. Still not sure what they did.
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