
Movie Maker Help... Please!

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Hey all, I'm just trying to get more acquainted with WMM before I start editing footage from my wife's new camera, and I seem to be having a problem. I took some footage of Team Mandrin (VRW) from skydiveradio.com and just kind of shortened it up, and put it to some different music, just something basic to start off with. The only problem is that the music and video don't seem to be lining up properly. When I was timing certian parts of the video to spots in the song, I was just going about 5-10sec before the place I wanted to edit, and then playing it back to make sure I'd timed it right. It worked great, but when I play the video in it's entirety (only 3.35min), the video seems to be about 3-4 secounds behind the audio. Any ideas? I know I'll probably get a lot of "Get Premiere" or something along those lines, but I want to make sure I know what I'm doing, and I enjoy it before I shell out for something better. Thanks all!

Sean LR
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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If the content from Skydiverradio is mpeg, it likely is losing sync due to the way the audio is referenced in i frames.
You don't need Premiere or anything better if you just wanna cut loose vids for giggles and laughs. If you wanna be serious, then you need to at least step to one of the entry level versions of Avid, Premiere, Vegas.
Back to point however, render the content as an avi (DV codec) first to fix timecode reference, then edit that. You won't be losing sync.

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So basically bring the file into WMM, then save it as and AVI, then do the editing? Thanks!

MPEG (in any flavor) is challenging to edit with precision due to I/B/P frames, but converting the mpeg to an intra-frame format such as an interleaved audio/video file (avi) gets away from the issue you're experiencing. you're going to lose a small amount of quality, but since you're just experimenting, it shouldn't matter.

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Okay, that didn't seem to solve it. Here's what's happening (BTW, it's already converted to avi). The particular song I'm using has these breaks in the sound, and I want to have the video freeze frame when that happens. I've dscovered how to do that, but my problem is the timing. If I play the project from the beginning, and pause it at the spot where I want to insert the freeze frame, do it, and then STOP the project and re-play it, it's fine. However, if I insert the freeze frame, and then just click back 5-10 sec on the timeline to double check it, the video and audio are mis-matched by ~3 sec. Then, as an experiment, I stopped it, played it, and listedned and watched. The audio and video start in sync, but then if I pause it, click the timeline about 1/2 sec in, and press play, the video plays, but the audio doesn't start for about 2.5 sec, thus creating that 3 sec difference. Is this just becuase I converted it from WMV orriginally? Thanks all!

Sean LR
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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Gotcha. I was missing that you were inserting a freeze frame. Can't help you with the editing side of the Movie Maker question; I've only used it for simple editing demonstrations.
But, if you're inserting a freeze frame for a specific length of time but not removing identical time from the video portion of the program, I'd expect your audio to then go out of sync.

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In Movie Maker, you should be able to see the audio waveform on the audio track... you might need to zoom in on the timeline. Make sure it you're lining it up on the timeline, not just by listening.

If it is properly lined up, try rendering the video (save movie file) and playing it in a different program. It's probably just being a little weird about rendering the video "real time" for the preview.


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Yeah, it plays fine once I get it into Media Player as a video file, but it's nearly imposible to edit, because in order to time something a few minutes (or an hour if it was a long movie), you have to watch the whole video up until the point you want to work with. If you jump to it in the timeline, it's off by the 3 sec.

Sean LR
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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I couldn't say. I just now inserted a freeze frame in the middle of vid in MovieMaker, and nothing goes out of sync. Then again, I'm splitting and inserting.
I've tried to repro your problem using an mpeg file converted to avi, and not getting sync issues, but i'm also only working with a 3 minute timeline.
Could it be your system is sluggish? Does the rendered movie play back out of sync too? Or just during preview? My laptop isn't all that fast, a 1.83Centrino...
Maybe someone else has an idea.
It was fun opening and playing with Moviemaker again tho.

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For the freeze frame, I'm splitting the clip, taking a snapshot of the end of the first clip, and inserting it for 0.57sec. Maybe It's something to do with the specific song? I'll try it with another.

Sean LR
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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Alright, so I tried it with a different song, and it does the same thing. Try this: Import a Vid (I'm using avi) and mute the audio. Place a song (I'm using mp3) on the audio section of the timeline. Zoom right in on the timeline, and go to the begining. In the preview pane, click stop, then play. Immedietly after it starts, click on the timeline @ about 1sec. When I do this, the music doesn't start again until about 3.3 sec. You?
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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What kind of computer are you using and how much memory? Stupid question, but have you restarted it recently?

Sounds to me like this is just a computer performance issue.

If you can find the spot in the music you want to work around on the waveform, you can line the video up with that and ignore the preview... but yeah, thats a pain in the butt because you will need to render over and over.

Don't expect premiere to be any better at previewing... the advantage of premiere though is that you can render little bits of your timeline pretty quickly for accurate previews as you work.

Another thing to try is using wav music instead of mp3... might be a problem with how MM handles mp3s, although I havent had any trouble...


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got the same problem once with WMM, it finally turns out that i wasn't zoomed in enough on the timeline so i was loosing sync just because my song start wasn't placed anymore under the right frame .... i had to cut the song where i needed to be able to slightly move the audio under the good spot.
hope this helps !!
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Yeah, I tried converting them to wav just after I posted that last one, and it worked! I was just a wee bit too tired to stay up, so I had to go crash. But, that's what the problem was, I'm using wav and now it works great! Thanks Dave, and everyone else for helping!

Sean LR
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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The issue of mp3 vs wave is the same as mpeg vs avi; mp3 is mpeg, type three...
Glad it worked out. I went to bed not seeing your last post.
Using intraframe compression or uncompressed formats such as AVI vs MPEG2/4, and using uncompressed, time-locked formats such as PCM vs MP3, will always yield better results, even if they are a PITA to create from original media. MPEG is not intended as an editing format, even though we all use it as such. It's intended for delivery only.
regardless, glad it's working out for you. Editing can be a blast!;)

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