
Video into stills?

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Please excuse my ignorance, I don't know if this is ridiculous.But, can you take a video and have stills made out of it?If so, where would I go to have this done?
"I'm not sure how it's going to turn out, except I'll die in the end, she said. So what could really go wrong? -----Brian Andreas

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I have the new HC3 and I am really surprised how much better quality the frame grabs are as compared to my old Sony.

They are still not quite as sharp as my XT but I think with a little editing they are good enough to sell to tandem students.

I think we are getting closer to being able to jump with just one camera.

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If you use the shutter switch and save to the card it is 4.0 mp. Not easy to use that feature in freefall. Also if you are shooting video at the same time You can only take 3 shots which is not real practical.

Not sure what the quality of the frame grab is in numbers. When I get a chance I will post some.

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Most videocams are 0.8 megapixel. That's interlaced. De-interlace that for a non-moving pic it gives you 0.4 megapixel. A decent photo starts at 3 megapixel [:/]

A 1080 HDV grab is 1.62 Mp. The HC3 shoots 4Mp, but as Pops mentioned, you can only shoot to card or tape, and it's not convenient unless you have a proprietary LANC from Sony, and even then...you'll need to modify.
The V1U allows for a slightly easier mod, but it's a significantly larger camcorder.

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Here are two shots of the same tandem. The 1st is taken with a canon xt and the second is a frame grab with the hc3.

Oviously the frame grab is not nearly as good but it is a big improvement from what I used to see with my old Sony (trv50) Both shots were cropped but no other editing was done.

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