
Need Help***Basic setting 300D

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First of all, get a good photo-how-to book. Seriously.

2nd, you didn't say which lens you're using.

3rd, what do you want to shoot.

On the whole, I shoot at 1/400-1/500 sec shutter-speed priority (forget sports mode and the other picture modes), with the exact shutter speed depending on the light, you want to end up with an aperture of around f/8.
Manual focus on whatever distance the subject is gonna be, usually slightly before infinity but depends.

ciel bleu,

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Any suggestions on the Book??

my suggestion would be to hit up a good used bookstore... more or less you want something that can give you an understanding of basic photography principles, composition.

The book that I have from a college class I took a few years ago is Photography by Barbara London and John Upton.

But there are a lot of books that teach these principles... of course this assumes that you don't have any experience with photography...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Thanks for the help. The only experience I have with photography is from high school a loooong time ago. As I recall we put our head under a drape, used flash power and had to manually remove the cap from the camera to expose the film. Well mabye I'm not that old but it has been 20+ years.

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Thanks for the help. The only experience I have with photography is from high school a loooong time ago. As I recall we put our head under a drape, used flash power and had to manually remove the cap from the camera to expose the film. Well mabye I'm not that old but it has been 20+ years.

the camera I learned how to shoot on was manufactured in 1967 (or so) although the class I took was in 1999-2000...

If you have a half price books in your area then I would start looking for something there.
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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