
Best Audible / Computer

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Now that my new Helemt is almost in, I have a little pocket to put one of those beepy things in. I want an Audible with the free fall computer and log book functions. I am a geek and I like to look back at the numbers.

I really am leaning towards a pro-track because it seems to get the best reviews, but it is also the most $$$.

I've seen teh Skytronic, looks pretty close the the Pro-Track, but the Pro Track still seems better.

I have been seeing the new Neptunes. Now this doesn't appear to be an Audbile, but it does have some neat features, like an IR port so I can download to my Laptop with out buying an expensive software / hardware kit (i.e. Jump Track). But I don't think that is cool enough to loose the Audible aspect of it.

So please help me out with the following questions:
1) What one is the best, and why?
2) Where can I get a good price?



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from the neptune page http://www.alti-2.com/neptune.htm


Four groups of personalized audible alarm settings, each group has three programmable alarms

i'm not sure if they are going to charge for the tracking software or not, but given the development costs i think its likely..

i'm looking at one for a second audible and to compare fall rate data..plus the uses as a digital altimeter..

having said all that i still LOVE my pro-track
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I had a Skytronic Pro, (model before FX) but it didn't seem to be very accurate. Anyway, it began playing up so I couldn't trust so I stopped using it. The Parasport customer service is a joke.
I have a Pro Track and a Pro Dytter now. Love 'em. Trust em with my life.
The Neptune will hopefully be a good piece of gear but it's as yet un-tried and unproven and it's a completely new area for Alti-2 . Teething problems are a distinct possibility. (No disrespect to Alti-2, they seem to be a great company, I'm just about to get one of their Galaxy altis)
There is no other product in Skydiving that receives such universal acclaim as the ProTrack/Dytter. It's not cheap but you get what you pay for and if I were buying again today, I'd get another ProTrack.

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