
re: wide angle lenses sony pc 110

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Generally speaking:

.3 for inside video
.25 for AFF, tandem handcam
.45-.6 for outside video

The angles these lenses give depends on brand (a .6 may be wider than a .45) and on the camera you're using and on the step-up ring if any.

The single element lenses are low profile so great for skydiving, but generally are more expensive than the regular lenses and they generally cannot be zoomed without going blurry.

For a HDV cam, buy a HDV wideangle lens they are higher resolution.

Buy a lens with the right thread size for your camera or buy a bigger one (generally 30 or 37mm) and use a metal (NOT plastic) step-up ring so you can use the lenses on other cameras more easily.

ciel bleu,

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I used to have a Diamond .30 lens and it was great. I just got a Liquid .29 which seems very similar to the Diamond and is considerably cheaper. The workmanship of the Liquid looks to be as good or better than the Diamond.
Look at the following link to see how the different lens sizes compare...


I recommend the .29 (or .30) for starting out. You'll get better footage of the jumps where you're "in the skydive", but you'll have to learn to be close when you're doing outside video.

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